Melodic minor scale, also known as Jazz minor scale, can be very easily obtained by replacing the major third in a major scale with a minor third.
This scale has a very cool eccentric sound. Please learn it so you can use it freely.
In some cases, the ascending pattern and the descending pattern of the melodic minor scale are different.
In this advanced class, the melodic minor, of which the ascending pattern and the descending pattern are the same, will be described.
Such a melodic minor is referred to as the “Jazz minor scale”. The melodic minor scale in classical music has a descending pattern that is the same as that of the natural minor scale.
The names are very important when learning this scale.
The same scale has different names so let’s not be confused.
The followings are the names I use.
① Melodic minor scale (Jazz minor scale)

The basic scale used in “mM7” and “m7”.
C Melodic minor (Jazz minor) scale

② Dorian ♭2 scale

The scale played from the second note in the melodic minor and used in “m7” chords or “Dominant 7th” chords to obtain the outside feeling.
Dorian ♭2 scale

③ Lydian #5 scale (Lydian augment scale)

The scale played from the third note in the melodic minor and used in “M7(#5)” and “M7” chords.
Lydian #5 scale

④ Lydian ♭7 scale (Lydian dominant scale)

The scale played from the fourth note in the melodic minor and used in “m7” and “Dominant 7th” chords.
Lydian ♭7 scale

⑤ Mixolydian ♭6 scale

The scale played from the fifth note in the melodic minor and used in “Dominant 7th” chords.
G Mixolydian ♭6 scale

⑥ Aeolian ♭5 scale

The scale played from the sixth note in the melodic minor and used in “m7(♭5)” chords.
This scale can also be used in “m7” chords (but the 9th chord is little tricky).
A Aeolian ♭5 scale

⑦ Super locrian scale (Altered scale)

The scale played from the seventh note in the melodic minor and goes perfect with “Alt 7th”.
The altered scale has this name because the scale includes all the altered tensions “♭9th, #9th, #11th, and ♭13th”.
B Super locrian scale

Let’s study diatonic chords on the melodic minor in the next chapter.